
Thursday, May 21, 2009

I think i need a rant!!!

I love this Country. I love it's controversy over one thing....
AMERICAN IDOL! Are you kidding me? We have OBAMA as a president but we are going to fight like a bunch of little bitches about Kris and Adam!!! OMG!
I don't think I've been this fired up about something in a long time. I mean really one guy posted a blog last night after the results basically whining and telling America how wrong they were to vote in Kris. Okay, ummm did you post after Obama was voted in and tell America they were wrong, or how about when we voted Bush in again? Hmmm i'm not really sure that America understands. Or more or less this guy. It's a vote. Majority rules. We used to vote for stuff in school who wants oreo's 20 people raise their hands 2 don't. Guess who wins, the oreo people!!!
The people who voted for Kris (Minus little teenage girls who enjoy him because he is gorgeous don't get me wrong) because he is talented. He plays the guitar and sings. He has a smoothe voice that a lot of people would love to hear on the radio and else where. Adam was different but in a good way. He showed it's okay to show you own side and he wore make up and had a different style but he put on a good show too. He could sing too don't get me wrong. I love how they were both complete opposites. But it's not your choice to let America know they voted wrong. They voted the way they felt. They didn't choose Kris because he was a christian and he was married and cute. They didn't not choose Adam just because he wore makeup. Look up statistics for how many religious people there are i don't think that many people took up those millions of votes last night. Move on, there are worse things in life to deal with or other issues you should be focusing on. For 10 weeks or however long IDOL is it takes up your life and you forget there is a world out there.
A few weeks ago there was in Earthquake in Italy. i wonder how many avid idol watchers knew this.
or that pirates are hijacking ships and a few navy seals sacrificed lives to save those ships.
or that there is still a war going on and people are dieing everyday
the swine flu
we are in a recession

yeah it's nice to get away from these things. But when something like American Idol takes over our lives i think we have pushed it a little far.

get your priorities right america.... please

Abe Lincoln once said
"I like to see a man proud of the place in which he lives. I like to see a man live so that his place will be proud of him. "

We are proud of both Kris and Adam and either way they both gave it their best. I think both will succeed.
We should also be proud of other people, Kris may be an IDOL for singing but their are other people out there that we should be looking at as idols.

1 comment:

  1. Wow what a read. your 100% correct though Petty, AI shouldn't take over peoples lives.
